A scientific and medical board reknowned for its expertise, with more than 900 scientific publications (incl. The Lancet, Nature, Diabetes Care).
A scientific and medical board reknowned for its expertise, with more than 900 scientific publications (incl. The Lancet, Nature, Diabetes Care).
Samy is a professor of endocrinology, diabetology and metabolic diseases at the Nantes Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy. He is also a hospital practitioner at the Nantes CHU. He conducts research for the Poitiers clinical investigation center, where he is working on the renewal project for the 2018-2022 contract.
He is a medical doctor, specialized in endocrinology. After studying at Clermont-Ferrand, he graduated as a Doctor of Medicine from the Université de Nancy in 1995, then as a specialist in endocrinology, diabetology and metabolic diseases in 1997. In 2000, he also obtained an advanced diploma in Higher Education in Nutrition from the Université d’Angers.
His work focuses on microvascular and macrovascular complications due to diabetes mellitus and obesity. He spent a sabbatical year in the nephrology department of the Duke University Medical Centre in Durham, North Carolina (US).
His clinical research has helped to demonstrate the role of genetic variants in microvascular and macrovascular complications of diabetes mellitus and obesity and to identify the role of decreased renal function as a key health factor for diabetic subjects.
Samy was the Secretary General of the Francophone Diabetes Society and the Secretary of the European Diabetic Nephropathy Study Group (EDNSG). He has contributed to over 180 international articles published in peer-reviewed journals.
Bruno is an associate professor at the Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands. He has a PhD in Bioenergetics from the University of Grenoble (2003) and was next a post-doctoral research fellow at the De Duve Institute of Brussels in Belgium. Established now in the Netherlands, his research group is driving projects that study the pathophysiology of obesity and type-2 diabetes at the molecular level, in both humans and animal models. His previous work on Metformin contributed to a better understanding of the cellular mechanism of action of this antidiabetic drug.
With the aim of developing innovative approaches for treating metabolic diseases, Bruno’s current projects are centered around the emerging field of immunometabolism and the study of interactions between immune and metabolic cells in the primary regulatory organs involved in glucose homeostasis. Bruno has supervised or co-supervised 12 doctoral theses and has authored more than 110 publications for international peer-reviewed journals. He is also serving as external reviewer and expert panel member for various national/EU funding agencies.
Jean-Marie is a professor of biochemistry at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Head of the Biopathology Department at the Institute for Cancer Research in Western France (ICO) in Nantes. He came to Nantes in 1995 after nine years at the Institut Pasteur in Lille as a Research Assistant and 16 months as a post-doctoral student at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation in Oklahoma City in the US. His research focuses on biochemistry and lipoprotein metabolism, as well as clinical research on nutrition in a variety of clinical situations. His research group is part of the Research Center in Human Nutrition (CRNH) for Western France.
The major areas of research currently underway by his team involve the interaction between lipids and other biomolecules with the liver X receptor (LXR), the consequences of this interaction on cholesterol metabolism and cell proliferation, and identifying biomarkers regarding the influence of diet on breast cancer. He has co-authored of more than 150 international publications.
Jean-Marie is a member of a number of academic societies: SFN (Société Française de Nutrition), ASN (American Society of Nutrition), NSFA (Nouvelle Société Française d’Athérosclérose), NACRe (Réseau Nutrition, Alimentation et Cancer) and Institut Danone. He is an expert with the French Department of Research (MENRT) and a scientific expert for Biofortis, a company which he co-founded in 2002 (integrated into the Mérieux NutriSciences group in 2009).
Thierry is a professor of biochemistry in the Biotechnology Department at Université de La Rochelle.
Thierry has a PhD from the University of Toulouse (1996). He conducts his research in the LIENSs unit at the CNRS, where he oversees the “Action and Dysfunction Mechanism” research for the “Molecular Approaches to the Environment and Health” team at the laboratory, a multidisciplinary team that is working on biotech engineering approaches to obtain active molecules with significant health benefits.
His research activities include:
Development of green bioprocesses for transforming and adding value to marine and agricultural resources for the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and nutraceutical sectors;
Development of new enzyme synthesis and transformation routes for biomolecules of interest;
Development of innovative systems for selective therapeutic treatment, diagnostics and the vectorization of actives.
Thierry has supervised or co-supervised 11 doctoral theses, three of which are in progress. He has authored nearly 90 scientific publications and has signed 10 patents.